Harmony Wellness Massage

 About Margot


Margot is a graduate of the Wellness Education Center School of Massage Therapy in Spokane Washington. In addition to massage, she also teaches guitar and singing. The name Harmony Wellness and Massage comes from Margot’s long time love of music but also for the harmony that wellness massage brings to one’s life.  Margot supports positive health and wellness choices in all her clients. Please visit her blog myselfcarespa.blogspot.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HarmonyWellnessMassage for posts on massage and wellness as well as support and specials to encourage your own wellness journey. 


“Your wellness is like an orchestra, consisting of a number of instruments which create great and beautiful music when they all play in harmony. Just one instrument which is disharmonious and the entire piece of music sounds wrong and becomes pain instead of pleasure.” ~ Pia Poulsen